Nourish Botanica Cafe

Nourish Botanica aims to be a space for sustainable green entertaining and gathering that supports the local hospitality, art and agriculture ecosystem. At our Botanica Bar, the watering hole, we will provide healing through edible plants grown by us, and herbal blends through coffee, teas, cocktails and mocktails. The cafe will serve food as medicine with Caribbean and Southern deli-style vegan offerings by day and open in the evening for public and private events. It will also operate as a nursery, selling plants, flowers and herbs as well as offering gardening education and services through our farm partners.

Forthcoming Cafe…

We opened our plant and floral shop in Spring 2022 to begin earning revenue for the heart of our business: our community cafe and green gathering space. The for-profit cafe will set the stage for the programming which amplifies Black voices, highlights Atlanta’s food justice organizers, foodways and farm communities, and supports the good work of organizations and leaders fighting against food and economic justice. 

Our mission is to create a gathering space for our community to assemble for change. It’s our goal and intention to seed food justice into the fabric of Nourish Botanica from inception to fulfillment. As a for profit social enterprise, our organization is deeply rooted in mutual aid. Our 8 year history with our initiative, ChopItUpATL, a storytelling dinner series, focused on highlighting and raising funds for food justice warriors around Atlanta. We support fair wages and livable wages for all shop employees, bartenders and baristas. We’re so happy to practice radical social sustainability with you!